
2018年5月22日—Wepublishbooks(includinge-books)andalsoproduceboard,cardandotherbook-basedgamesunderourbrandOspreyGames.Werunforumsfor ...,遊戲過程中玩家需要盡可能少的暴露自己的線索,同時要判斷出其他玩家的線索。第一個成功找到棲息地的玩家獲得勝利!,CryptidEnglishVersion-auniquedeductiongameofhonestmisdirectioninwhichplayersmusttrytouncoverinformationabouttheiropponents'clueswhile ...,Cryptidisaun...


2018年5月22日 — We publish books (including e-books) and also produce board, card and other book-based games under our brand Osprey Games. We run forums for ...

Cryptid (英文版)



Cryptid English Version - a unique deduction game of honest misdirection in which players must try to uncover information about their opponents' clues while ...

Cryptid Board Game, 10 years

Cryptid is a unique deduction game of honest misdirection in which players must try to uncover information about their opponent's clues while throwing them off ...


Cryptid is a unique deduction game of honest misdirection in which players must try to uncover information about their opponents' clues while throwing them off ...

Cryptid 詭影尋蹤- 桌遊天地|網店

Cryptid 詭影尋蹤. $299. 榮獲美國最權威桌遊媒體Dice Tower頒發的最高獎項「Seal of Excellence」,被眾多評測人評為「年度最佳桌遊」,絕對適合愛燒腦推理的玩家!

Cryptid: Urban Legends

Play as a determined Scientist manipulating heat, movement, and sonic sensors to scan the city, identify your quarry's true location, and capture them. Or take ...

Osprey Games Cryptid

In this unique deduction game of honest misdirection you are all cryptozoologists, trying to be the first to discover definitive proof of a cryptid in the ...


2020年12月20日 — 選擇一位起始玩家後,玩家根據自己的線索,放置小方塊(代表神秘生物不在此地),順時鐘輪流下去,直到 每位玩家都放兩個方塊 。